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A collection of functions to manipulate bigint

import { BigInt } from '@w5s/core';

const total = [1n, 2n, 3n].reduce(BigInt['+'], 0n);// 6n
BigInt['=='](total, 6n);// true




  • Returns the decoded input, Result.Ok or Result.Error()

    interface SomeObject {
    foo: string
    const someCodec: Codec<SomeObject> = ...;
    const input: unknown = ...;
    const decoded = Codec.decode(someCodec, input);


  • codecEncode(this: void, input: bigint): unknown
  • Returns the encoded input

    interface SomeObject {
    foo: string
    const someCodec: Codec<SomeObject> = ...;
    const someObject: SomeObject = { foo: "bar" }
    const encoded = Codec.decode(someCodec, someObject);


  • Returns the JSONSchema corresponding to the decoded type

    const someCodec: Codec<unknown> = ...;
    const jsonSchema = Codec.schema(someCodec);



  • !=(this: void, left: bigint, right: bigint): boolean
  • "Not equal to" operator

    const TEqual: Equal<T>;
    TEqual['!='](value, otherValue); // true
    TEqual['!='](value, value); // false

  • (this: void, left: bigint, right: bigint): boolean
  • "Less than" operator

    type T;
    const TCompare: Comparable<T>;
    const smallerT: T;
    const greaterT: T;
    TCompare['<'](smallerT, smallerT); // false
    TCompare['<'](smallerT, greaterT); // true
    TCompare['<'](greaterT, smallerT); // false


  • <=(this: void, left: bigint, right: bigint): boolean
  • "Less than or equal to" operator

    type T;
    const TCompare: Comparable<T>;
    const smallerT: T;
    const greaterT: T;
    TCompare['<='](smallerT, smallerT); // true
    TCompare['<='](smallerT, greaterT); // true
    TCompare['<='](greaterT, smallerT); // false


  • ==(this: void, left: bigint, right: bigint): boolean
  • "Equal to" operator

    type T = // ...
    const TEqual: Equal<T>;
    TEqual['=='](value, value); // true
    TEqual['=='](value, otherValue); // false

  • (this: void, left: bigint, right: bigint): boolean
  • "Greater than" operator

    type T;
    const TCompare: Comparable<T>;
    const smallerT: T;
    const greaterT: T;
    TCompare['>'](smallerT, smallerT); // false
    TCompare['>'](smallerT, greaterT); // false
    TCompare['>'](greaterT, smallerT); // true


  • >=(this: void, left: bigint, right: bigint): boolean
  • "Greater than or equal to" operator

    type T;
    const TCompare: Comparable<T>;
    const smallerT: T;
    const greaterT: T;
    TCompare['>='](smallerT, smallerT); // true
    TCompare['>='](smallerT, greaterT); // false
    TCompare['>='](greaterT, smallerT); // true


  • clamp(this: void, value: bigint, minValue: bigint, maxValue: bigint): bigint
  • Clamp value between minValue and maxValue

    type T;
    const TCompare: Comparable<T>;
    TCompare.clamp(value, min, max); // min if value < min, max if value > max, otherwise value itself


  • compare(this: void, left: bigint, right: bigint): number
  • Return a number that represents comparison

    type T;
    const TCompare: Comparable<T>;
    const sorted = [3, 1, 1].sort(;


  • equals(this: void, left: bigint, right: bigint): boolean
  • Alias to '=='

    type T = // ...
    const TEqual: Equal<T>;
    TEqual.equals(value, value); // true
    TEqual.equals(value, otherValue); // false


  • max(this: void, left: bigint, right: bigint): bigint
  • "maximum" operator

    type T;
    const TCompare: Comparable<T>;
    const smallerT: T;
    const greaterT: T;
    TCompare.max(smallerT, greaterT); // greaterT


  • min(this: void, left: bigint, right: bigint): bigint
  • "minimum" operator

    type T;
    const TCompare: Comparable<T>;
    const smallerT: T;
    const greaterT: T;
    TCompare.min(smallerT, greaterT); // smallerT



  • asInstance(anyValue: unknown): Option<bigint>
  • Try to convert anyValue to enum value or else returns Option.None

    const StringType: Type<string>;
    StringType.asInstance('foo'); // Option.Some('foo')
    StringType.asInstance(12); // Option.None



  • *(left: bigint, right: bigint): bigint
  • Multiplication operator

    type T = ...;
    const TNumeric: Numeric.Multiply<T> = ...;
    const result = Numeric['*'](left, right);// represents (left * right)


  • +(left: bigint, right: bigint): bigint
  • Addition operator

    type T = ...;
    const TNumeric: Numeric.Add<T> = ...;
    const result = TNumeric['+'](left, right);// represents (left + right)


  • -(left: bigint, right: bigint): bigint
  • Subtraction operator

    type T = ...;
    const TNumeric: Numeric.Subtract<T> = ...;
    const result = Numeric['-'](left, right);// represents (left - right)


  • abs(value: bigint): bigint
  • Absolute value. It should satisfy Numeric['*'](Numeric.abs(x), Numeric.sign(x)) == x

    type T = ...;
    const TSigned: Numeric.Signed<T> = ...;
    const result = TSigned.abs(value);// absolute value of (value)


  • sign(value: bigint): bigint
  • Sign of a number. It should satisfy TSigned['*'](TSigned.abs(x), TSigned.sign(x)) == x



inspect: Option<(anyValue: bigint, depth: number, options: InspectOptions, inspect: InspectFunction) => string>

When defined, returns a custom string representation




typeName: string

Type string representation

StringType.typeName // 'String'
Int.typeName // 'Int'
Person.typeName // 'Person'


  • hasInstance(anyValue: unknown): anyValue is bigint
  • Return true if the given value is an instance of the class.

    const StringType: Type<string>;
    StringType.hasInstance('foo'); // true
    StringType.hasInstance(42); // false



indexType: bigint

Index type


  • at(index: bigint): Option<bigint>
  • Returns the value at the index


  • format(self: bigint, radix?: number): string
  • Return string representation of bigint using radix

    BigInt.format(1024n, 10);// '1024'
    BigInt.format(1024n, 16);// '400'


  • fromInt(value: Int): bigint
  • Convert an integer to a bigint

    BigInt.fromNumber(Int(1));// 1n
    BigInt.fromNumber(Int(-1));// -1n


  • fromNumber(value: number): undefined | bigint
  • Convert a number to a bigint

    BigInt.fromNumber(1);// Option.Some(1n)
    BigInt.fromNumber(-1);// Option.Some(-1n)
    BigInt.fromNumber(1.1);// Option.None
    BigInt.fromNumber(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1);// Option.None
    BigInt.fromNumber(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER - 1);// Option.None


  • indexOf(value: bigint): Option<bigint>
  • Returns the integer index of a value


  • parse(expression: string): Option<bigint>
  • Parse the expression and returns a bigint

    BigInt.parse('0b10101');// Option.Some(21n)
    BigInt.parse('1024');// Option.Some(1024n)
    BigInt.parse('0x123');// Option.Some(291n)
    BigInt.parse('0x123');// Option.Some(291n)
    BigInt.parse('invalid');// Option.None


  • range(start: bigint, end: bigint): Range<bigint>
  • Returns an Iterable starting from start to end. If start or end is not in range then returns an empty iterable.


  • rangeSize(start: bigint, end: bigint): bigint
  • Returns the size of a range. If start or end is not in range then returns 0.