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Comparable <T>

Module interface for values that have total order





  • !=(this: void, left: T, right: T): boolean
  • "Not equal to" operator

    const TEqual: Equal<T>;
    TEqual['!='](value, otherValue); // true
    TEqual['!='](value, value); // false

  • (this: void, left: T, right: T): boolean
  • "Less than" operator

    type T;
    const TCompare: Comparable<T>;
    const smallerT: T;
    const greaterT: T;
    TCompare['<'](smallerT, smallerT); // false
    TCompare['<'](smallerT, greaterT); // true
    TCompare['<'](greaterT, smallerT); // false


  • <=(this: void, left: T, right: T): boolean
  • "Less than or equal to" operator

    type T;
    const TCompare: Comparable<T>;
    const smallerT: T;
    const greaterT: T;
    TCompare['<='](smallerT, smallerT); // true
    TCompare['<='](smallerT, greaterT); // true
    TCompare['<='](greaterT, smallerT); // false


  • ==(this: void, left: T, right: T): boolean
  • "Equal to" operator

    type T = // ...
    const TEqual: Equal<T>;
    TEqual['=='](value, value); // true
    TEqual['=='](value, otherValue); // false

  • (this: void, left: T, right: T): boolean
  • "Greater than" operator

    type T;
    const TCompare: Comparable<T>;
    const smallerT: T;
    const greaterT: T;
    TCompare['>'](smallerT, smallerT); // false
    TCompare['>'](smallerT, greaterT); // false
    TCompare['>'](greaterT, smallerT); // true


  • >=(this: void, left: T, right: T): boolean
  • "Greater than or equal to" operator

    type T;
    const TCompare: Comparable<T>;
    const smallerT: T;
    const greaterT: T;
    TCompare['>='](smallerT, smallerT); // true
    TCompare['>='](smallerT, greaterT); // false
    TCompare['>='](greaterT, smallerT); // true


  • clamp(this: void, value: T, minValue: T, maxValue: T): T
  • Clamp value between minValue and maxValue

    type T;
    const TCompare: Comparable<T>;
    TCompare.clamp(value, min, max); // min if value < min, max if value > max, otherwise value itself


  • compare(this: void, left: T, right: T): number
  • Return a number that represents comparison

    type T;
    const TCompare: Comparable<T>;
    const sorted = [3, 1, 1].sort(;


  • equals(this: void, left: T, right: T): boolean
  • Alias to '=='

    type T = // ...
    const TEqual: Equal<T>;
    TEqual.equals(value, value); // true
    TEqual.equals(value, otherValue); // false


  • max(this: void, left: T, right: T): T
  • "maximum" operator

    type T;
    const TCompare: Comparable<T>;
    const smallerT: T;
    const greaterT: T;
    TCompare.max(smallerT, greaterT); // greaterT


  • min(this: void, left: T, right: T): T
  • "minimum" operator

    type T;
    const TCompare: Comparable<T>;
    const smallerT: T;
    const greaterT: T;
    TCompare.min(smallerT, greaterT); // smallerT


